

The Gospel Toolkit

Next dates start on the 16th of April!

We all know that we are called to share the Gospel, but have you ever found it difficult knowing what to say and how to say it? Join us for this four-week course where, together, we will explore some practical tools of living out our faith, answering questions such as: How do you proclaim the Gospel? How do you tell someone your testimony? How do you share with people of other faith? How can I communicate a prophetic word with someone? Our prayer is that we all walk away equipped and empowered to share the Gospel in any and every context!


The Alpha Course

Alpha Dinner - 16th of April, 7:30pm.

Alpha Course - 23rd of April to 25th of June, 7pm.

‘’Is there more to life than this?' “The Alpha course provides an opportunity to ask this, and other important questions of life, to explore which answers Christianity offers and to get answers.

Alpha is a series of sessions for ex-pats in the UAE who are interested in exploring the Christian faith, typically run over eleven weeks. Every evening is different, but the structure is the same: We share a meal together, watch a course centered video, and have some great conversation.

If you have any questions about the course, or want to get involved, feel free to email us at for further information.

International Alpha - Sign Up here.


Pre-Marriage Course

This course is a series of five sessions to help engaged couples or those exploring the possibility of marriage, build strong foundations for their future together.

Over five sessions, the course will help you to learn to communicate well, understand and appreciate your differences, and prepare for potential challenges.

We are running this course on a request basis - so please reach out to us if you want us to walk through this with you.

If you’re wanting to get involved, feel free to email us at for further information.

Click here for more information on the course, or sign up below!

We have some excellent courses coming up soon! Keep your eyes on this page for start dates and sign ups.




The Marriage Course

Stay tuned for when our next Marriage Course will be!

Designed to help couples invest in their relationship and build a strong marriage.

The Marriage Course is a series of seven sessions, run at an external venue, designed to help couples invest in their relationship and build a strong marriage. It was developed by Nicky and Sila Lee, authors of The Marriage Book, for couples who are looking for practical ways to strengthen their relationship, build strong foundations, learn to communicate more effectively, and resolve differences well.

Every evening will consist of short video presentations and practical exercises, watched and conducted between husband and wife, no small group discussion, no sharing of issues or challenges with anyone else but your partner.

If you’re wanting to join our next course or to get involved, feel free to email us at for further information.

If you are interested in participating in the next Marriage Course please click on the "sign up" button below to book your spots, or click here for more information about the course.


The Adopted Course

Stay tuned for when our next adopted course will be!

The Adopted Course is for anyone who wants to have a closer, more intimate and more real relationship with God.

When we put our trust in Jesus, the bible says we are adopted into God’s family. This means we have to learn a whole new way of relating in this new family and to remove our old habits from the old family. The Adopted Course helps us identify those old habits, remove them and find healing from the effects of them.

This course will be done online and so easy to fit into your schedule. You can sign up for either course in the links below.

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Parenting Children Course

This course is for parents, step-parents, prospective parents or carers of children aged 0-10 years. The course is for every type of parenting situation including parenting on your own, step-parenting and parenting as a couple. This course is based on Christian principles but is designed for all couples with or without a church background.

Click here for more information on the course.


Parenting Teenagers Course

Stay tuned for when our next Parenting Teens Course will be!

The Parenting Teenagers Course is for parents, step-parents, prospective parents or carers of teenagers aged 11-18 years. The course is for every type of parenting situation including parenting on your own, step-parenting and parenting as a couple. The Parenting Teenagers Course is based on Christian principles but designed for all couples with or without a church background.

If you’re wanting to join our next course or to get involved, feel free to email us at for further information.

Click here for more information on the course, or sign up below!

Bereavement Course

Stay tuned for when our next Bereavement Course will be!

Working through grief and the loss of a loved one takes a long time. The Bereavement Course is an incredibly empowering course for anyone who has been bereaved, whether recently or dating back several years. The 6-week-course is suitable for everyone with or without a Christian faith and will provide you with a safe space to talk and process with people who understand your feelings. 

The six topics covered over each session include: Looking at loss; The pain of grief & how it feels; The pain of grief & how to deal with it; Coping with change; Moving forward & Faith questions.

If you’re wanting to join our next course or to get involved, feel free to email us at for further information.

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